
Updated: Dec 31, 2022
Running any health centre establishment is not an easy task, especially an establishment that offers the best specialized practices and a regular patient influx in IPD and OPD. Many growing hospitals provide excellent healthcare offerings but fall short of optimizing their growth. The following is a short list of things that you must keep in mind while you’re running a growing business.
There are just twenty four hours in a day and they come one at a time. Through proper scheduling of resources for utilization can help you maximize the output of your staff; and also help in speeding up your patient service lifecycle.
For example, a ‘Hospital Scheduling System’ will allow two departments such as the general IPD and the maternity IPD and OPD effectively share the Ultra-Sound machine without any conflicts in time. This maximises the output of this resource and also significantly reduces unnecessary and delays.
(Electronic Health Record) EHR also Known as (Electronic Medical Record) EMR can greatly improve your patient management for both IPD and OPD. You can track your patient’s health more efficiently and also provide a suitable diagnosis in a shorter amount of time.
For example, a hospital will have difficulties in providing satisfactory healthcare to its patients if their medical history is unknown. With an electronically managed record system, you’re able to provide better treatment while reducing time and cost for treatment.
How you accumulate and compile data is of paramount importance. If you want to provide long term and effective healthcare solution, you will be required to settle with a standardised Data Abstraction and Migration system. This is critical if your establishment works with referral patients.
For example: any patients being treated by multiple medical teams stand a higher chance of being misdiagnosed due to inadequate information being shared between them over a native (Physical) EMR. But with proper data abstraction, real time updates can be observed along with current and past medical treatments and other relevant factors relating to one’s medical history.
It is not uncommon for many smaller medical institutions to refer complicated cases to bigger establishments. This may be because they are either better equipped or have better trained medical staff or both. Either way, both parties have to share detailed information regarding this referral.
For example, nearly 46 per cent of referrals never convert into scheduled appointments; and nearly 50 per cent of referring physicians never know if their patients went to see the specialist or not. This leads to nearly $900K of lost revenue per physician. This can all be drastically reduced with the use of a proper referral management system.